Tell Your PA Senator to Vote No on Bill Blocking DEP Action on Carbon Pollution

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From the Clean Air Council ( Next week the Pennsylvania Senate is likely to vote on a tremendously harmful piece of anti-environmental legislation that would block the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) from taking any action to control carbon pollution … Continued

Rescue Plan’s Funds Can Help Students Catch Up

Posted at May 20, 2021 – Andrea Sears, Public News Service (PA) Play Audio in Browser Window HARRISBURG, Pa. — Pennsylvania schools will have some major federal help as they reopen their doors, and teachers want districts to use those … Continued

Tell Congress: Pass the Recovery Agenda and Tax Fairness Plan

From the Pennsylvania Budget and Policy Center ( President Joe Biden has proposed a much-needed recovery agenda that makes critical investments in the systems and services that we all need to thrive – transportation, quality education, affordable child care, health … Continued

Just 20 Companies Produce Over Half of All Single-Use Plastic Waste: Report

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Posted at Published on Tuesday, May 18, 2021 by Common Dreams “Transitioning away from the take-make-waste model of single-use plastics will take more than corporate leadership and ‘enlightened’ capital markets; it will require immense political will.” By Jenna McGuire, … Continued