Tell Congress Struggling Families Need Increased/Expanded Unemployment Benefits to Make Ends Meet

From Moms Rising ( Talk about fake news—the Republican governors of 22 states (and counting) have outrageously decided to stop federal unemployment payments to unemployed workers, citing the false idea that the economy is “roaring back” and people are staying … Continued

Tell Congress to Make Increases in the Child Tax Credit and EITC Permanent

From the Coalition on Human Needs ( The American Rescue Plan effectively responded to urgent needs with temporary help—cutting childhood poverty in half. But only for one year. That legislation is an effective first step. Now we have more work … Continued

Hard skills и soft skills какие навыки нужны программисту

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Содержание Навыки программиста, который идет к успеху Учиться коммуникации (письменной и устной) Выделение Навыков Во Время Собеседования Иностранные языки Ключевых Навыков Программиста Ios Предоставьте подтверждение своих навыков работы с компьютером в разделе «Опыт работы». Профессии по категории Убедитесь, что в … Continued

PA Ranks 7th Nationwide for Black Homicides

Posted at A new report quantifies the devastating toll that gun violence is taking on Pennsylvania’s Black residents, with the Keystone State ranking 7th in the nation for Black homicides. Handguns are responsible for nearly nine in 10 (88 … Continued