CEO Pay Jumped 16% During Pandemic, While Average Worker Pay Rose 1.8%

From the Economic Policy Institute ( Last year required many of us to make personal sacrifices. EPI research into preliminary data shows this sacrifice did not extend to many of America’s CEOs. Our researchers reviewed data from 281 large firms filing information … Continued

Tell the EPA to Ban the Worst Use of Neonicotinoids to Protect Wildlife

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From PennEnvironment ( “Clearly, we are not fully understanding the implications of these pesticides.” That’s South Dakotan farmer and researcher Jonathan Lundgren, talking about neonicotinoids — or neonics — the most widely used class of pesticides in the world.1 They’ve … Continued

TPS Extension for Haiti; Act to Provide Permanent Protections for TPS Holders

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From the Latin America Working Group ( Recently the Biden Administration announced a 18 month extension for over 100,000 Haitians with Temporary Protected Status (TPS). This is a huge win thanks to hard-fought advocacy by the Haitian-American community and supporters, … Continued

Economic Study Shows Why ‘Saving the Planet Is Not a Jobs Killer’

Posted at Published on Wednesday, May 26, 2021 by Common Dreams “It’s not an impossible task to make sure workers in the fossil fuel industry are provided with the skills, training, and opportunities to find other jobs,” the Center … Continued

Number of Homeless Students Decreases Throughout U.S., Increases in Pennsylvania

From the People’s Emergency Center ( A newly released report shows that homelessness among children and youth is increasing dramatically in Pennsylvania while rising unevenly in other states during School Year (SY) 2018-19. PEC reviewed the report from the National … Continued

Tell PA’s Senators to Vote for three Important Criminal Justice Reform Bills—Vote Expected May 27

From Families Against Mandatory Minimums ( This is a big week for FAMM in Congress, as multiple bills we are fighting for will get considered. Will you help us get them passed? Tomorrow, Thursday, May 27, the Senate Judiciary Committee … Continued

Welcome Asylum Seekers with Dignity—Many Ways You Can Help

posted in: Immigration, Uncategorized | 0

From the Interfaith Immigration Coalition ( What does #WelcomeWithDignity means? It means embodying our faith values by protecting children at our border, allowing asylum seekers to exercise their right to claim asylum, and respecting the sacred humanity and dignity of all of … Continued