Philadelphia Advocates: Urge City Council to Hold Firm on Funding Ask for Gun Violence Prevention

From CeaseFirePA ( Over the weekend, thirteen Philadelphia councilmembers released a letter demanding Philadelphia invest $100 million in gun violence prevention for the FY22 budget. This veto-proof majority publicly releasing a letter like this is extremely unusual in Philadelphia, setting the stage … Continued

Resources for June 21–25 Child Nutrition Virtual Lobby Week

From the Food Research and Action Center ( The upcoming economic recovery legislation and Child Nutrition Reauthorization provide Congress with several opportunities to make much-needed improvements to the child nutrition programs. Join FRAC for a Virtual Lobby Week June 21–25 to take full advantage of the legislative opportunities … Continued

Urge Congress to Support Legislation that Maintains Access to Healthy Meals for Children Year Round

From the Food Research and Action Center ( FRAC urges organizations and individuals to weigh in with your Members of Congress and ask them to support legislation that would help ensure that children have access to the nutrition they need … Continued

Make a Call for Climate Progress with the American Jobs Plan

From the Environmental Defense Fund ( Our greatest opportunity to make real progress on climate change is happening right now! The American Jobs Plan is President Biden’s proposal to slash greenhouse gas emissions, create millions of clean energy jobs and invest … Continued

Tell Senator Casey Small Donor Public Financing Should Be in the For the People Act

From Common Cause ( You already know how transformational the For the People Act would be for our democracy. This once-in-a-generation bill for free and fair elections would finally ensure that We The People call the shots in our government — not … Continued

Restore Fairness to Pennsylvania’s Public Education Funding System

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From Fund Our Schools PA ( Do these four things: Support the Pennsylvania State 2021-22 Education Budget, which creates fairness in education public school funding while cutting taxes for working families and businesses. Contact your PA Senator and Representative and write a letter to … Continued

Act NOW to Push for Redistricting Reform Legislation

From Fair Districts PA ( Time is running out to pass redistricting reform legislation before maps are redrawn when Census 2020 data is released. LWVPA has been advocating for reform of PA’s redistricting process since 1986, when the League endorsed a … Continued