Support COVID-19 Safer Detention Act and First Step Implementation Act

From the Sentencing Project ( Ending life imprisonment and other extreme sentences is a top advocacy priority for The Sentencing Project, and we are committed to achieving this goal no matter how long it takes. Fortunately, we can make some … Continued

Take Action: Call Your Members of Congress to Urge that Housing Investments Are Included in Any Infrastructure Package

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From the National Low Income Housing Coalition ( Members of Congress are working to reach a compromise on an infrastructure package that could pass with bipartisan support. So far, however, these negotiations do not include robust investments to make housing affordable to … Continued

Why You Get Hurt When Your Neighbors’ Unemployment Benefits Get Cut

From Keystone Research Center ( Keystone Research Center economists Stephen Herzenberg and Maisum Murtaza today published a blog that interprets the latest job and small business data for Pennsylvania editorial boards, reporters, and other media. They finds that Pennsylvania is still 400,000+ … Continued

Urge Your PA Senator to Co-Sponsor PA State Housing Tax Credit Program

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From Housing Alliance of Pennsylvania ( On June 8, 2021, after months of education and advocacy, Housing Alliance champion Senator David Argall introduced a co-sponsor memo to fund Pennsylvania’s State Housing Tax Credit program. Now, we need everyone to call their state senators and … Continued

Biggest Tax Story of the Year, If Not the Decade’: Analysis Shows Just How Little Richest .001% Pay in Taxes

Posted at “The personal federal tax bill for the top 25 in 2018: $1.9 billion. The bill for the wage earners: $143 billion.” JAKE JOHNSON, STAFF WRITER Bill Gates and Warren Buffett speak at an event organized by Columbia … Continued

55 US Corporations Paying No Federal Tax Last Year Spent $450 Million on Political Lobbying and Campaigns: Report

Posted at “The lobbying, campaign contributions, and tax avoidance by these 55 companies is a never-ending cycle in which the companies spend to win tax breaks, then use the money saved from those breaks to try to get more.” … Continued

‘Keystone XL Is Dead!’: After 10-Year Battle, Climate Movement Victory Is Complete

posted in: Environment, Uncategorized | 0

Posted at “Keystone XL is now the most famous fossil fuel project killed by the climate movement,’ said one veteran campaigner, “but it won’t be the last.” JON QUEALLY, STAFF WRITER June 9, 2021 Former U.S. President Barack Obama … Continued