Act NOW: Vote on For the People Act Tomorrow (3/8)

From Common Cause (

TOMORROW: The House of Representatives votes on the For the People Act. This is our moment — write to your member of Congress and demand they speak up for our democracy at

Tomorrow morning, your member of Congress will cast her/his vote on our groundbreaking package of pro-democracy reforms — including automatic voter registration, small-donor elections, ending gerrymandering, strong ethical standards for elected officials, and more.

We’re on the verge of a majority of the House voting in favor of the biggest democracy bill in a generation — and we couldn’t have done it without the relentless advocacy of folks like you…

It was your efforts that made democracy reform the top priority of the incoming Congress — your phone calls, emails, and in-person advocacy to Congressional candidates with the Our Democracy 2018 campaign. That’s why the For the People Act is numbered H.R. 1, the House’s first order of business…

It was your tenacity that kept the bill strong — your calls and emails ensured the For the People Act was strengthened, not watered down, as it moved through the legislative process…

And it was your tireless advocacy that secured UNANIMOUS support from the Democratic members of the House of Representatives — every Democrat in the House has signed on to be a co-sponsor of the bill, 236 in total.

Before tomorrow’s crucial vote, EVERY lawmaker needs to hear from us — so every Democrat keeps to their commitment, and every Republican knows that their constituents expect them to step up for our democracy.

The House of Representatives will vote TOMORROW on this groundbreaking package of reforms — write to your member of Congress and tell them to vote YES >>

Our nation has reached a crisis point that must be addressed through sweeping democracy reform. And, that is precisely what the For the People Act offers to every citizen.

This historic piece of legislation will restore the rule of law, empower the voices of all Americans, curb abusive partisan gerrymandering, and strengthen the right to vote for every eligible American.

Americans are fed up with an administration and a Congress that puts special interests before constituents. Change is already happening at the state and local level, and citizens expect their members of Congress to follow suit or step aside.

We’ve had to push through intense opposition to get to this point. Corporate lobbyists — and the lawmakers who rely on them — have tried to water down the For the People Act. And… we must still remain vigilant for any last-minute procedural tricks that status-quo loving politicians might try to pull to block this reform.

It’s time for every member of Congress to pick a side: are you for the democracy we deserve, or against it?

Tomorrow morning, your member of Congress will have the chance to demonstrate which side she/he is on. Send your message today >>

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