40 Days of Solidarity—March 5, 2020 Reflection

Date: Thursday, March 5

Scripture: Luke 22:33

“Peter said to him, ‘Lord, I am ready to go with you both to prison and to death.'”

by Emily Schmid, Advocacy Programs Associate, PA Council of Churches

I am struck by how bold of a statement Peter makes in this moment. When he decided to follow Jesus, I don’t think Peter knew what he signed up for. I think he meant this statement with his whole heart, but he didn’t realize just how hard it would be to actually go with Jesus into prison and death. Immediately following this verse, Jesus rebukes Peter saying that before the end of the day Peter will deny three times that he knows Jesus.

I am ready to be arrested peacefully protesting a cause I care about. I am ready to face ostracism from my peers for taking a stand. I am ready to have difficult yet necessary conversations with my family.

But then… Thanksgiving comes around and it is easier to pick at the mashed potatoes on my plate than pick an argument with my uncle about prison reform. The protest is happening, but it is raining outside and I’d rather not get wet. I am tempted to take the easy way out. I fall short and deny Jesus in my words and actions on a daily basis.

There are days I question what I signed up for. Advocacy work It is tiring and draining, and I’m not sure I’m even making a difference. There are days where activism feels like a feeble attempt to stand up for justice. To follow Jesus into the resurrection means first to follow him into his death. So I ask myself, am I ready? In the face of death and despair, can I keep moving forward? Can I afford not to?

Prayer: Dear God, Help us to become ready to follow you to prison and to death. Help us not to be afraid, but encourage us to make bold statements of faith and belief in the pursuit of justice. When we inevitably fail and deny you, guide us back in your direction. Help us to keep moving forward. Amen.

Criminal Justice Fact: It costs nearly $75K to house a prisoner in solitary confinement for a year, nearly 3X as much as housing them in general population.

Action: The primaries are coming up, make sure you are registered to vote! The deadline to register to vote in the PA presidential primaries is April 22nd. You can find all the voting information you need here: https://www.votespa.com/Pages/default.aspx

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